Ergonomics in Flexible Working

Just as you have a Duty of Care to look after your team’s health and safety at work, the same applies for working at home arrangements. Productivity Matters can help with the continuity of your effective ergonomics program at home.

  • Zoom or Skype based assessment by a Qualified Ergonomist.

  • Participants enter the meeting via their smart phone, so they can then easily film their work station setup.

  • We align any recommendations made with your procurement policy on purchasing equipment for the home office.

  • We provide a follow up to the preferred contact within your organisation on what we have covered with the employee and what is recommended for that individual.

Mental Fitness

Change, uncertainty and lack of social support can challenge our mental health. Knowing how to re-adjust some aspects of your Mental Fitness to strengthen your ability to cope with life’s challenges will lead to better mental health outcomes.

  • Zoom or Skype based session with a Qualified Allied Health Professional.

  • Our session focuses on how to introduce or boost elements of mental fitness that make us feel better, in order to offset the loss.

  • We will share our screen and slide deck with participants. The deck can be modified with relevant EAP/Other contact details at the end of the session, and co-branded with your company logo.

Need a custom solution?

Contact us to discuss your specific requirements about our home-based assessment services.

Ergonomics in Flexible Working

Productivity Matters can help with the continuity of your effective ergonomics program at home. Please contact us if you need assistance with a quote.

In order for us to complete your Office Ergonomic Workstation Reviews, you will need the Zoom or Skype for Business app (whichever is your preference) on your smart phone.

Conducting the video review on your phone allows us to see your setup by easily showing us around your home office.

Between 15-30 minutes.

One of our qualified ergonomists.

You can certainly request your information to be shared anonymously with your employer.

However, we will need to send recommendations to your employer if certain work arrangements need to change or equipment needs to be purchased. We will do this with your permission.

Please email to book an appointment time.

You don’t need to pay upfront. When you book an assessment, we will get your organisations details and invoice you upon completion.

Mental Fitness.

Productivity Matters can help boost elements of mental fitness in employees to make them feel better about working in isolation at home. Please contact us if you need assistance with a quote.

This is a thought provoking session on understanding the five elements of social fitness.

It provides information on strategies to improve brain health and assists participants in setting goals. It is an uplifting session.

Anyone who is working from home.

We will send you an invoice upon completion.

Other services.

OHS Consulting

Ensure your workplace is compliant with work health and safety legislation.

Safety Auditing

We are leaders in Australian corporate safety auditing and proactive action plans.

Compliance & Training

Realise the skills your workforce needs to be safe, healthy and productive.